





Tube type heat exchanger is the most typical recuperative heat exchanger, tube heat exchanger due to their unique tubular structure difficult to thoroughly clean, most enterprises and individuals in heat exchanger fouling effect and removal process is still stuck in the machine, high pressure water, chemical pickling and other traditional "destruction" process and ideas on; and simply think cleaning equipment only under the serious influence production will be considered, which I do not know the scale formation of constantly affect energy consumption enterprises, devouring the profits of the enterprise. Moreover, a single in order to reduce the cost of cleaning, the device has a damage and corrosion of the cleaning method, resulting in equipment and the production of waste, and pay a higher than a few hundred times higher than the cost of cleaning. For example, a cement group, the use of oxalic acid cleaning heat equipment, each time is not more than 2 hours cleaning, due to cleaning is not thorough enough, so the time of cleaning time by the previous year to now three times a year, two times to increase the downtime, indirectly caused the loss of business.